The pelletizing and lime technology based on using burning technology of the low heat value blast furnace gas and the grate-kiln process is on the leading place in China. 公司依靠独创的低热值高炉煤气培烧技术,采用链篦机-回转窑-环冷机工艺设计开发的冶金球团、白灰生产技术,属国内领先水平。
Development of Active Lime Shaft Using Blast Furnace Gas 燃高炉煤气活性石灰竖窑的开发
Through the simulation, it is found that the cause creating low activity of lime of the present shaft lime kiln lies in an unreasonable structure of the blast cap. 通过模拟发现目前竖炉石灰的活性度低的根本原因是竖炉石灰窑风帽结构不合理。